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Monday, July 11, 2011

Clone virtual machine in VirtualBox....

If you have used VmWare Workstation earlier and now working on VirtulBox, you may have to bang your head to create a cloned virtual machine on VirtualBox. As it's not as easy as you do in VMWare workstation.(#FAIL @VirtulBox).

Never are the steps you can do on your Ubuntu host OS to create clone of a guest OS.

$ vboxmanage clonehd <source-folder/file.vdi> <destination-folder/clone.vdi>
Clone hard disk created in format 'VDI'. UUID: e64c4d5f-8ae1-4e69-aa68-cedd3fe5c43e

Next, create a New virtual machine.
And while choosing virtual hard disk, just choose the option "Use existing hard disk", instead of creating a new one.
And just give the path of 'vdi' file, you've just created.


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