This tool attempts to change the MAC address of Network Inteface Cards (NIC) in Linux systems by choosing a randomly-generated MAC address. The chosen MAC address is randomised in following way:
-It chooses it's first 3 octets needed for MAC address from a list of MAC vendors list provided from IEEE, which can be found here.
-The rest 3 octets are a set of complete randomly-generated hexadecimal numbers obtained with help of Psuedo-random-generator system variable.
All it needs is a Linux machine with BASH shell environment.
Looking at the subject, many people would have already been saying that "What the heck? Why do I need a MAC-address-changer for my linux? When I already have 'one-command-solution' for that. Its so simple...
user@localhost:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
See? It's done."
But, isn't that a pain, when you have to do the same thing everytime you login to your system?
The response I would expect is "What crap? All I need to do is - just put that command in $HOME/.bashrc. It's simple as that."
Now, what if, you want to randomize it each and everytime you login to your system?
"mmm... [:-/] "
And, what if, you are setting the MAC address of your NIC with some random hex-chars, whose vendor still to be born on the earth?
"mmm... [:-/] "
So, the purpose of making this tool, was to generate a random-MAC address from a KNOWN MAC-vendors list and assigning the same to specified device.
That is why, effectively, it needs 2 files to work. One, a text file containing a list of MAC-vendors, used "AS IS" from IEEE's website and other one, being the bash program.
Also, there can be a question like "Why, on the earth, do I ever need to change my MAC address?"
I would ask those ones with this question in mind to go through this link.
Well Google, anyway knows a lot about you and me.
Moreover, if you want to make this tool run each time you login and randomize your MAC address. I would suggest you, appending the command 'bash $PWD/ -R
Well, for Windows users, as they already must be knowing about TMAC, Technitium MAC Address Changer. More info.
Download tmac-v1.0.tar.gz.
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