I came across a situation when I had to merge several Nessus reports in a file, for the ease of vulnerability compilation and reporting. Turns out, it was just a google ('s/duckduckgo/google/g') search away.[0] :-)
Reference(s) :
[0] http://cmikavac.net/2011/07/09/merging-multiple-nessus-scans-python-script/
[1] https://gist.github.com/mastahyeti/2720173
- Keep the python script[1] along with .nessus files in the same directory.
- Run python script and a folder/file will be created nss_report/report.nessus.
Reference(s) :
[0] http://cmikavac.net/2011/07/09/merging-multiple-nessus-scans-python-script/
[1] https://gist.github.com/mastahyeti/2720173